the legs still look flat and i think that this could be solved when you are going to make a walking animation... so if you could try to get an animation working that would be awesome. (look at the tutorials i posted some days ago)
Are we going to use soft shadowing (like in gos' drawings)or will we use hard shadowing on the characters (like in TS1) ?
i would say hard shadowing
of course the hard shadowing. but i still dont know how to seek these colors
What do you mean with "seek these colors" ?
i think that i am going to buy a pen tablet soon to drawis there any kind that you recommend?
There are only two hints:Don't buy the cheap ones and never buy the high-end ones.The mid-range is always good...
Not seen anything on this in a while. How you gettin on gos?
actually i will re- draw the picture of drew...i dont like it. and put some shades on it.
Zitat von gosactually i will re- draw the picture of drew...i dont like it. and put some shades on it.
It's okay. I already put some shades on him.PUN, ANYONE ?
i just tried to hypnotise him... didn't work.Drew: WACME!!!Me: Coming master! xD
HAHA You're crazy man
drew remake wit no shades:
I like it. Try to add shadow to his legs still. And a little more shape. rather than 2 rectangles try to define his legs more.
is this fine for the legs?_________________________________________________________thats drew with smaller head: