No No No No! I am not ranked above you! you all are the project you alle are involved in it. The only thing that is different between you all and me is that i started this project and i run the forums. The Game itself is based on all off us.
So in my opinion: The arms are too thin the legs have no detail and just don't fit the proportions off the rest of the body I like the shoes because theyre simple like they are supposed to be.
thats my opinion.
But the other members could have another one so just post your opinion about the Picture.
The legs are a little disproportioned to the body, but the problem is made worse by the torso itself - If you look at the right side of the torso, it gets gradually larger as it gets towards the neck. I think if you fix this then that will fix the problem with the arms and legs too
Here, the green lines indicate a right angle compared to the right side of the torso. Obviously the torso shouldn't follow these lines, its just to indicate the proportions.
Good plan, its not that productive working on something that can be touched-up by someone else - you have already done the hardest part. What are you going to work on next?
ok not perfect but your right. go on to something else. perhaps the teddybear biker gang so just one thing: post the vector image please. then i will store / backup the status we are at.