Is there a way to change the menu with like an advanced setting. So one says like instead of shaders: scaler2x, 2xsai its like fast, good, best, smooth. And then an option to change it to the techie jargon?
i thought of that too... but i think in the first release it will be just one version. and then i need some testers to tell me their user experience with it. if there are too many who are not able to se the config tool i will reorganize it
Well everyone on the forum should test it. But i don't know anybody else with the game. I'm on an IT diploma course. If i bring my laptop in i could ask them if they think it's easy to use? and what they understand and what they think should be changed?
i think that here in the forum everybody already has toonstruck or knows a way to get it. but ok take it there and try it out. -> today i finished the first part of the reading procedure for the files..
almost done...its now (16:42) and i think that a new Release will be uploaded at (23:00). so stay tuned and please tell me as fast as you can if there are bugs.
yeah it would be ok for a launcher window, because the launcher windows are all the same , arent they? so i think the basic structur cannot be improved, its perfect ^^ btw i would put the resolution to the video settings, or are there any reasons you have put it into TOONSTRUCK.CFG?