Ok i took a quick look at the "Wintermute Engine". I think it has some interesting features and actually it would be a good start for our project. In my opinion, I think we should use this Engine or write our own one (of course I am still open for propositions).
So at all the Programmers out there: take a look at the Engine and tell me your opinion about it.
In my opinion, this is not the right engine. This engine seems not to be crossplatform. Another point is the usage of some crappy script language. This gives the development too much restrictions.
In my opinion it could be useful to choose a real Framework, like SDL (which I prefer).
This gives us the ability to use a "real" programming-language like C or C++.
An increase of the speed the games run and a decrease of the required hardware coul be guaranteed this way
I hate Apple too. Mac OS just has all the worst parts of Windows and the worst parts of Linux.
I would love this game to run on Linux, however if we succeed in getting it to run well on Wine, then people will be able to use it on many platforms. Especially now that Google Chrome OS (GNU/Linux) is being released, Google is investing a lot of money in Wine and improving it greatly. I think this option may be easier than trying to develop the game on multiple platforms at once.
Hmm, supporting mobile (and at least properitary) devices is not as simple as it sounds.
Most, or nearly all, of the known crossplatform engines are meant to run with m$ win, *nix and mac osx. But if you want to run it on mobile devices you are very restricted in hardware power. At least the iPhone needs its own SDK for development. This forces you to develop min. two versions, one for iPhone and one for PCs. Without guarantee the PC-code runs on PSP or PDAs.
So, IMO we should Focus on PC and, if the framework supports, Mac.
SDL with c or c++ would be a suggestion from mine. :)
Oh, a new post while I was writing:
SDL supports Mac also..
I don't think, wine is a great idea. I know a lot of people, that dont want to install wine on their beloved linuxbox, including myself. And at least, wine sucks bad in speed on linux. Not a great idea, I think.. ;)
I think I'll ignore the programming side, I'm not a programmer and don't fully understand the technical side of things . So I'll just let you guys decide what's best .
Zitat von MikeLJI think I'll ignore the programming side, I'm not a programmer and don't fully understand the technical side of things . So I'll just let you guys decide what's best .