Ok, the one and only question: How do we do this? I thought of several methods. We could: - use an existing engine / framework - write our own Engine / Editor (the best way regarding licensing) - use a programm like adventure maker http://www.adventuremaker.com/ or other programs (if you have other programs just make your propositions) http://www.visionaire2d.net http://www.adventuregamestudio.co.uk/
So, The first one, my English isnt so good Read and understanding = reasonable BUT Writing = awful grammar
Cause that I proceed in German -------------------------------------------
Also hallo, Dein geplantes projekt ist auf jedemfall interressant, aber höchstwarscheinlich zum scheitern verurteilt. Programmiertechnisch würde man schon irgentwie klar kommen, auch als kompletter neuling. Da gibt es genug spiel gerüste und Tutorials. Aber mit dem Animationen (Sprites) und zwischensequenzen im typischen Comic style werdet ihr probleme bekommen. Da braucht ihr schon echt gute künstler um die animationen so fließend und geschmeidig hin zu bekommen.
Als kostenlose und auch für neulinge leicht zu bedienende Engine würde ich die "Wintermute Engine" empfehlen
Mit der wurden auch schon kommerzielle titel wie Runaway 1-2 geschrieben.
Wenn ihr allerdings nen richtigen Hobby programmierer ins Team bekommen solltet der nen eigene engine schreiben kann, ist das natürlich zu bevorzugen ^^
Hello, the project you planned is really interesting, but i think that it is destined to fail. on the programming side, it is possible even for beginners, there are enough frameworks and tutorials on the web. But with the Animations (Sprites) and the cutscences in the typical cartoon style, you will run into problems. You need very good artist to get the animations to look smoothly.
As a free and easy to use Engine i would recommend the "Wintermute Engine".
This Engine has already been used in commercial games like Runaway 1-2.
But if you could get an programmer who would programm an own engine, that would be preferred
Regards Scythe-man
I think that thats not meant to be discussed in the Programming Section. I know that the project will be really hard to realise but I am an optimist in that case. I know that there are many really good Video Composers and 2D Designers out there who can help us. The Animations and the Cutscences aren't a Programming problem so lets keep this discussion in the 2d Design area ^^.