So I want to collect some information about these mysterious PAK files. When using the PAK extractor we get some files with various formats. So heres what i found out yet:
CAF - Seem to be the animated sprite files (regarding the filenames) DAT - when opened with notepad you will find the Dialogs so i think this is a summary of the Dialogs (but there is definately more in this file because it has many more bytes which aren't related to the Dialogs) TRE - Here we have some Dialogs and things like that too
i opened the CAF files with some various editors and I found the Name Kevin Aguilar. Regarding the Credits( he's one of the programmers. so far so good ^^
yeah we ve been trying many things so far and there are two different .pak extractors but then the files we get out of it are encrypted. i posted it in another thread
Decrypt the GFX (*.CAF, *.CPS) files with "changing and testing" is very hard and frustrating, so I went another way ... attack the game binaries and the secret of "decrypting the LZSS/SPCN code". After some sleepless Nights of investigation, I found a way to decompile the Toonstruck main.exe in Pseudo C-Code, actually I'm checking out which Function does what. Unfortunally, the original function names got lost. But I'm on a good/possible way to decrypt the GFX Files. (In the next weeks/months )
Here some Results I got from Strings in the Source: The Engine based partially on the Kyrandia Engine Facts for this: - Source-Code String "Kyrandia_Startup Startn" -
The final Game contains a Debug Mode (maybe that wouldn't be new) Facts for this: - Source-Code String/Messages like this: "Show script functions on." "Show script functions off." "Draw Anim boxes disabled." "Draw Anim boxes enabled." "Gonzales on/off." -> Did somebody now what that could be? "Music on/off." "Text on/off." ""Hide_Mouse()" "Show_Mouse()" "Draw region boxes enabled/disabled." "Anywhere_Walkable enabled." "Display_Mouse_Coordinates enabled."
--> Next to the decryption, I search a opportunity to activate the debug mode. Or is that already solved? Would be a helpful option in the launcher
Wonderful thanks for this BIG Help. Im looking forward for finally viewing the content .
As far as i know, we didn't found any debug mode yet. Is it possible that its activated through the application args? i mean like the other things (-u for deactivating univibe or -w for window mode etc)
I think so, too. But in the source contains no hint for the right parameter Unfortunally, I crashedToonstruck on my netbook, so I can't test some args like "-debug" or "-d" ..etc...
Gooooood News everyone! I have first results by decrypting the (fullscreen) images in the CPS files, which are packed with the LZSS algorithm. Looks terrible ... but you can see what it is