i think that this is what the other guy who made an extractor talked about. he said something about a palette problem. i think he means just what we see here. the colors need to be altered to the toonstruck palette but where is that thing
But of course good work hope we meet us at the Highschool in the next few days would be interested in the code you wrote so far (just to save it from being lost ^^)
Thats the Problem, John Doe wrote something about "forget my bla bla about the palette" .. These pix above are special cases they need just the basic palette of toonstruck.
Normal case is: Toonstruck basic palette + scene (content data+palette) [CPS file] + Image (content combination+specific palette) [CAF file] = image/animation in right colors
I was wrong I thought that the CPS files contains the "building materials" for all images/animations for the scene. But it seems that they "only" contain the background image ...
i unpacked every pak file of toonsrck and searched for CPS files that werent used in the game. I found some interesting things like the already mentioned knife and a control for a vaccum cleaner. Furthermore there seems to be the identity card or something like that from the guard of the fish house in zanydu. the phone number on the card could be the number for the hidden sound file posted elsewhere.
when the colors display correctly i will post every single picture here.
Hi all. Sorry for my english, I'm from Ukraine... About a year ago I wrote an extractor for pak, cps(LZSS/SPCN), msc(SPCN/RNC), caf, mus/slv/sel, and it took four days. You are too slow, pace the game will be written about 50 years, no less. [imgres]http://savepic.net/224528.png[/imgres] [imgres]http://savepic.net/253200.png[/imgres]
Zitat von ReflectorHi all. Sorry for my english, I'm from Ukraine... About a year ago I wrote an extractor for pak, cps(LZSS/SPCN), msc(SPCN/RNC), caf, mus/slv/sel, and it took four days. You are too slow, pace the game will be written about 50 years, no less. [imgres]http://savepic.net/224528.png[/imgres] [imgres]http://savepic.net/253200.png[/imgres]
Hi Reflector,
yeah, at the moment it look likes the work stucks.. but the project leader works on the story..
Really nice to see that it's possible to extract the pak-files. Maybe you could help us and join the team