-> thats just because they had to manipulate every single frame in the videos to get the real christopher lloyd in the game.
and if you read through the postings you will see that the second part of toonstruck deals with drew as a toon that means we dont have to do this work!
Please post your extractor / source code because it would be nice to get the resources out of the game
Zitat von unterbuchse-> thats just because they had to manipulate every single frame in the videos to get the real christopher lloyd in the game.
and if you read through the postings you will see that the second part of toonstruck deals with drew as a toon that means we dont have to do this work!
No. Look at this: You will have to draw all the frames with Drew, as well as with Flux. How many frames you have now? Nothing... What do you have besides the story? Need to really look at things, make Toonstruсk 2 unreal. Make a remake using the old graphics and sounds - maybe... We are now doing that, and we have a playable demo for DirectX(C++) and XNA. Put the source code, I can not, because You are our competitors:)
-.-' WTF? i meant the videos in the game...and you are creating TS2 with your own group? didnt know there is another group making a fan project. of course we have nothing yet but hey i dont give a damn. we have a big community, a good character designer and good ideas so, its not important how much we have yet. its important how much we can achieve. so if this takes up to 5 or 10 years, so what i dont care because its something i do in my free time and it should be done because i enjoy working at it. I dont think we are competitors but hey there you go... if you think we have to go this way I'm fine with it. i just wanted to share experiences and not let the competition (if there is any) ruin the fun. Regarding this point, its unimportant how much time dapedro invests into making its extractor because if whe would do it in 4 days or whatever you said and then just dont share it, who would give a damn?
correct me if I'm wrong but did you really just join the forum to provoke us? thats lame dude
Zitat von unterbuchse -.-' WTF? i meant the videos in the game...
30000 frames animation in *.caf files, not video in smk. For example, only Drew.pak contains 292 caf with Drew movements, each of which contains 10-20 frames, the first 3 of 51 locations contain ~1200 frames...
Zitat and you are creating TS2 with your own group? didnt know there is another group making a fan project.
No. I was talking about the remake TS1. It has improved, but it's not a new game...
Zitat of course we have nothing yet but hey i dont give a damn. we have a big community, a good character designer and good ideas so, its not important how much we have yet. its important how much we can achieve. so if this takes up to 5 or 10 years, so what i dont care because its something i do in my free time and it should be done because i enjoy working at it. I dont think we are competitors but hey there you go... if you think we have to go this way I'm fine with it. i just wanted to share experiences and not let the competition (if there is any) ruin the fun. Regarding this point, its unimportant how much time dapedro invests into making its extractor because if whe would do it in 4 days or whatever you said and then just dont share it, who would give a damn?
correct me if I'm wrong but did you really just join the forum to provoke us? thats lame dude
Large community is, there is no result. I do not want to offend anyone, but those drawings that I then saw the amateur level. This can not be inserted into the game
Zitat And hey XNA? seriously?
It seems you have not decided yet? seriously? What the problems with XNA? Simple code and fast(~3400 fps/1280*960/ 8800GT). Same code for Directx10.1/C++ runs slower(~2300 fps) and drops to 800 fps when texture locked for read or write, but additionally available Direct2D and DirectWrite. Generally the engine is not the most important thing. 2d adventure fairly easily ported from XNA to native DirectX or Opengl.
just one thing: XNA is proprietary! why would you create a game that you cannot publish in the way you want to? i mean if you just want to make it windows only and to have people buy windows live to play it on xbox etc, its alright.
to the "amateur level" thingy:
Do you really think that extracting old frames, refreshing them to high level and then just reconstruct the engine is a big thing? i mean we recreate it from the ground. thats no comparison to what you are doing. you have a complete game.
oke .. oke .. it was more than a few hours, but I was hard-working in this time and .. tadaaa .. here comes the first alpha version of our extractor (ok, at the moment it is a viewer... ) Free for anybody who want to test it (yes, we share our results! And not hihihi "I have an extractor and you not!"). I just had german pak files so I'm curious how it works with other
Functions are: - open a *.pak file - display the included *.cps files
The next step is to display the *.caf animations, i hope in a few days...
Just great Im so happy to see this one work. Its wonderful no bugs yet. so everyone take a look at the pak files and youll find the 2 or 3 deleted Pictures.
DUNGEON.PAK -Vacuum cps
LOCAL.PAK -Knife.cps
WACINDBL.PAK -Outguard.cps -OutGrdCU.cps (I dont know for sure if they are in the game could somebody check this for me pls)
i have the german and the english version but i only tested the german one. Ive got the english version on my netbook so i will test the viewer this afternoon.
And just for Information: My exams will start soon, so I am even more rare here in the forum. At the end of February, I will continue to work on the extractor