WELL goshdarnit why didnt ya say sooo lol
maybe we could use this backgroundup on the green mountainthe sign on the right side says: doors are closed ,windows are opened the left sign says: No doors so its: No doors,doors are closed ,windows are opened -it means get in from the windowif you notice the left house's door is in the window's place
I like this sketch
i would like to make a sketch for something like this in toonstruck style, i really like this view i can feel the fresh cool air, the cold fresh water,simple house. on the green mountain!
here is my sketch for one of those teddies:
forgive me for saying this but... it needs to be more cute in the face and fluffy in the fur... think rogue care bear
WITH A MOHAWK!!!well... can one at least have a mohawk? PLEASE!?
Zitat von flyxforgive me for saying this but... it needs to be more cute in the face and fluffy in the fur... think rogue care bear
Forgive me?...why did you kill anybody that i know?well i am still showing ideas mate i mean i am showing if this works or notand drawing these bears is not my job right now, one of the other mates is doing it
well tell your mate tol draw it as a Care bear gone bad minus the stupid belly symbol like character