when drew talks to one of the teddy bear biker gang team, the bear biker says: Oh my ass.drew says: whats wrong with your ass?. then he says it again oh my ass. drew says: is it hurting you? the bear says: no its flYinG. drew says: what?. the bear says: i used to keep sitting on my bike while i am talking and its broken. drew says: oh sad. the bear says can you fix it?, we could make a deal. drew says:i dont trust such a thief like you. the bear says: Oh yeah?, Listen weak man,remember if you do not fix it you will fall in a big trouble and i guess you alrdy know that (bear points at drew). drew says: No no no please don't hurt me, the bear says: ok then fix it, drew says: will you give me something in return? the bear picks up drew and put him under the bike.