Here are some more Pics of my Sketches. And I drew a new one with facial expressions of Flux. This time I didn't use my mobile phone camera so the pics have a better quality
This is a horrible copy, not a sketch. So can anyone working on this actually make games or are you just gonna copy drawings and post pictures of existing arts?
Zitat von ramblerThis is a horrible copy, not a sketch. So can anyone working on this actually make games or are you just gonna copy drawings and post pictures of existing arts?
Hi rambler. This isn't a copy anyway. The emotions are - i think so - self-drawn and the other two pictures a try to draw flux self. And yes, with a cover, now i ask you: how are you able to draw flux by urself without source material? The project is just in one's infancy.
Jules didn't just copy the Flux, she drew it with the help of a picture which can be found on google. She tried to draw it free hand and to get a feeling for the character. The facial expressions were drawn like that too, just to get an impression of how Flux needs to be drawn.
SO would you do all of us a favor and just STFU? If you don't believe in this project or don't love toonstruck just like we do, this is the wrong place for you ok?
This Project hasn't really started yet but there already are enough of this negative thinking guys.
If you won't help us, just leave ok.
My last words for you are a cite of neomix21:
"Why are you interested in this project?: It's ToonsStruck 2 !!! At least we have to try this, otherwhise we aren't real fans."
and as for your question: Can you do anything else than copying or flaming?
hey rambler,it´s ok that you criticize me but i didn´t like it that you said:"So can anyone working on this actually make games or are you just gonna copy drawings and post pictures of existing arts?" I really drew these pictures free hand and didn't just copy them can you draw flux or other cartoons? I´m sure you don't because then you wouldn't have just criticized me but posted a better version. The pictures were just for practice in order to draw Flux better, ok So it isn't the final result but a try to get a feeling for the character.
Allright so its not a copy, but you copied it off an existing picture? In fact the exact same picture unterbuchse has in his avatar. Hey it looks exactly the same, seems copied to me.
and as for your question: Can you do anything else than copying or flaming? I can also whinge and complain, only on good days though.
if you would have read the posts we wrote you would see that it IS an original picture BUT she didn't just copy it she drew it free hand! and thats what is, like i think, the point in getting a feeling for a character. you have to redraw some original pictures to get in contact with the character and so does she.
Sorry. By copied I mean looking at a picture and copying it down free hand, not to be mistaken for tracing. Either way, I apologise for previous me being a bastard.
Anyway when you are making your game, will you be ripping sprites or sprite movement from the game and then adding on things when you need them or will it all be done fresh?