Well, not playing to often and being a few players we would know some people...
Do you want me to start the experiment? If I start it I will say game (I prefer Travian), server (I think s10.travian.com started on November 4 and speedx3 s6.travian.com started just today), position, and ally would be ToonStruck2TheFanProject or something like that. And when some of you don't know what to do, join the game!
I don't really have time for MMRPGs, but if you want to do it its a good idea. I will make the Facebook group as soon as the website is online (so we can publish the group on the website) and as soon as everyone is in agreement on making the group since some people may not want to reveal their full names etc.
There's no way in heck I'm going to do another MMORPG - EQ2 takes up enough of my time! lol I like the facebook and twitter ideas, and especially the StumbleUpon, but it seems like most of the traffic has come from the wiki page. Are there other similar informative websites about the game that we could link to? *fingers crossed for more people!*
i am working on the german wiki page because some already tried to get our link there but it has been deleted a few times... now i am writing and translating a BIG article and add our link so that there isn'T just our link as changement but furthermore information about toonstruck itself
Copy from the English Wikipedia if you want. I had no problems there. Only thing is that the characters section is currently too long. I might work on it again this weekend.
I started to translate the english wikipedia's information about ToonStruck into spanish to make the spanish page on wikipedia wich doesn't exists. I will have to modify the descriptions but I will talk about our project too.
Why there is no facebook fan page already? I think this is an important step of advertisting.. we should also write on the fan page of "Toonstruck" about this project?!
I revised the article in the german wikipedia and also added a paragraph about the never published TS2 as well as a link to the fanprojct site. Let´s see if they keep it.