Why don't you use Flash to realize the project ? Would make things easier because nearly everything like coding, drawing, animating, etc.. can be done in Flash and it's easy-to-learn for nearly everbody. So everybody in the project would use the same software. Would also make the project available for most Operating Systems.
German Hallo ToonStruck Fans !
Warum verwendet ihr nicht Flash, um das Projekt zu realisieren ? Würde alles vereinfachen,weil das Coden, Zeichnen, Animieren, usw.. komplett in Flash gemacht werden könnte. Flash is für fast Jedermann relativ einfach erlernbar. So würde jeder im Projekt die selbe Software verwenden. Das würde das Projekt auch für andere Betriebssysteme verfügbar machen.
Sure Flash is a good alternative but I'm not convinced by it. Flash just doesn't have enough capabilities because the character animations wouldn't look like toonstruck. They would have this special flash cartoon look and that is definately what we dont want to let it look like. But if you can convince me that Flash is an alternative, i wouldn't work against you.
I think that something cross-platform should be used. Although flash is cross-platform, it does have several disadvantages. One option is the Simple DirectMedia Layer (http://www.libsdl.org/) or designing the game to work through scummvm (http://www.scummvm.org). Thinking ahead is important and designing a game that will easily function on Linux and Mac (or any future OS) is important and if its run through something like scummvm, it may also be easier. Look at Toonstruck 1, it can only be run through DOSbox so people can't enjoy the game's true greatness to its full potential, or at least not without messing around with the configuration for several hours .
i know that cross platform is a big point but if we look at crossplatform and disadvantage the quality of the game for this feature, we wouldn't be able to create a good game
I don't think that it would disadvantage the quality of the game at all. The original game was also made for Mac, but since then Linux has become popular thanks to Ubuntu and due to both operating systems, windows has 85% of the market share. All signs are showing that the market share is becoming increasingly smaller as people are turning to more superior operating systems. If anything, making a game to be used on scummvm would increase the quality of the game since certain aspects would not have to be developed by the Tooonstruck 2 team and it would mean that it could be played on any OS and would still work many years down the line. I just don't want the same thing happening again, using "vistabox" 15 years down the line when we're trying to play Toonstruck 2.
I'm going to keep my hate for windows out of this I think... You guys just use whatever would make the best game. I'm willing too sell my soul and boot Vista on my computer to play an awesome game like Toonstruck