Ok, IMO Flash is really a bad idea. It is sometimes really slow in animation. And it is a scripting language. Generally, scripting languages are a bad solution for game-development.
Using a xplatform-framework with C or C++ should be the way to look.
ZitatSure Flash is a good alternative but I'm not convinced by it. Flash just doesn't have enough capabilities because the character animations wouldn't look like toonstruck. They would have this special flash cartoon look and that is definately what we dont want to let it look like. But if you can convince me that Flash is an alternative, i wouldn't work against you.
jpg, bmp, gif, and png are usable in flash, there is absolutely no need to use vectors in flash.
Some popular tv cartoons are made purely in flash. (for example ugly americans, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, johny test ... )
And as every toonstruck 1 character (drew blanc beeing the only exception) have a simple outline, about 2-6 main colors and darker version of each color any character in toonstruck could easily be created and animated in flash / vectors and will look exactly the same. The Background wouldn't look the same as vectors, as they use a lot of gradients and sometimes texture.
But i personally prefer to work with .png as im not really into vectors.
ZitatOk, IMO Flash is really a bad idea. It is sometimes really slow in animation. And it is a scripting language. Generally, scripting languages are a bad solution for game-development.
Using a xplatform-framework with C or C++ should be the way to look.
Flash has limited performance, thats true. But its well suited for an point and click adventure. A point and click adventure isn't performance hungry, i doubt that we have more then a maximum of 1.000 animated objects at any given time in a scene (i believe it will be less then 100), flash can handle that pretty well.
It's something different if you script an rts with 200 soldiers calculating pathfinding with different terrain features like hills and ramps, flying creatures etc and animating that and having a artificial intelligence as enemy... for something like that flash isn't really suited. (even though some people made it)
But i guess there will be maybe 10 characters that need to calculate pathfinding at a time (most of the characters in toonstruck 1 stay were they are...), no artificial intelligence at all, a background and some objects you can interact with (simple check of far away the mouse pointer is....).
Flash also has the ability to easily create animations and import sounds etc. AS3 is object oriented.
One disadvantage however is the fact that it isn't freeand that is has bad downgrade compatibility. (you cant open a flash cs5 file in flash cs 3).
ZitatGenerally, scripting languages are a bad solution for game-development.
I would say that`s a plus, it allows you to focus on game logic and it's easier to find developers for flash as its common.
Building a simple point & click frame with movement, quests, dialog and inventory in flash shouldn't take a lot of time, at least if you`re common with Actionscript.
It doesn't have to be flash, but i would consider using a simple engine / script language. I don't see any need to build a new engine for a simple 2d point and click adventure as flash / actionscript 3 can do anything you need for an adventure.