I think it would be a nice idea to create an IRC-Chan on quakenet, to discuss about the project, i would manage it and i know how to manage it, including protect-bot Q. If I get the "ok" i would create one
Hi all... I actually think that it might be nice to have one on Geekshed either moving the channel over, or having two channels, IMO, Geekshed is really good... I am new here, the NOOB... but I am here to help get a 2nd Toonstruck in whatever form we can... well, actually I'm not new. I've been here for two or three months... but I didnt have the time to talk, Now I do... my 2nd post...
Zitat von christhecoolboyHi all... I actually think that it might be nice to have one on Geekshed either moving the channel over, or having two channels, IMO, Geekshed is really good... I am new here, the NOOB... but I am here to help get a 2nd Toonstruck in whatever form we can... well, actually I'm not new. I've been here for two or three months... but I didnt have the time to talk, Now I do... my 2nd post...
I tried getting on #toonstruck on irc.quakenet.org, its empty??? not registered???