In this Thread I want to discuss about the Functionalities our / the used engine needs to provide so that it can be interesting /used for our project.
I wrote a short paper with the things the engine needs to provide and i would be happy if you all read through it (programmer or not) and just write down if you have something that is missing in the list.
Some Additions: - Depth effect ( Characters are smaller when they walk "into" the screen) -> related to this, if a player walks in front of an object hes above and if he walks behind it the object is above him. (Z-Depth of characters. -> (Perhaps the drawing process needs to be controlled by the z-Depths of all object so that at first the background (high z values) are drawn and then the others above of it.
Started the work for our Engine. Still a trial and error thing to see if things work or not. Started to work out an UML Diagram too. (yeah i hate UML but its the best way to keep the overview for everyone else).
At this time I use:
- SDL - SDLDotNet - C#
-> if this doesn't work good enough on a *Nix system i will change it
^^ wowowow... i just started ^^ ... its hard to get an overview of everything because i need to get it as complete as possible. otherwise it will be hard to change something afterwards.
- i already have an animated sprite with alpha blending. - started the UML Diagram. -> tried to split the Functionalities into Editors / Tools
- working on some overview models and trying to get the whole thing divided into simple "modules" - found an easy way to create .pdf files (-> just thought that this would be helpful to get an overview over certain things)
(I mean dynamic pdfs which are created just in time by the program)