Ok tommorow will be my last exam and then i will be back ^^.
Just for now i thought about the path finding system. If we create our own engine, the most important and in my opinion hardest functionality to implement will the the path finding system. So i searched a little bit around the net and found the A* search algorithm.
If you click on the screen, how does the computer know the path the character takes to get to the point you clicked. (respecting the boundaries and collision). this is called path finding
Zitat von poitjust kidding as2 is also to slow for that kind of pathfinding (games are for fun, not zen-practice)
ever tried as3? i never switched back.
I just did a little bit AS3. Its pretty awesome it's Interfaces to nearly everything. It's the Actionscript everone expected AS2 to be But I don't use Flash anymore. I programm Stuff in PHP at the moment Not as strict as C but it's really okay for me as it has plenty of interfaces as well...
lol i'm just doing what's necessary in php. i'm more the kind of frontend-guy. i'm very happy with the flashplatform right now and there's so much happining in the moment. especially project molehill (if you like 3d stuff). that's gonna be so awesome.
lol i'm just doing what's necessary in php. i'm more the kind of frontend-guy. i'm very happy with the flashplatform right now and there's so much happining in the moment. especially project molehill (if you like 3d stuff). that's gonna be so awesome.