I searched the internet and found some old and some new engines.
I still think that Wintermute is a good way to good although it has a limited scripting language. But its not cross platform. It seems to be able to run on *nix systems but this would need some additional work.
Then i found something called Torque 2D. It first seemed to be really interesting due to its compatibility to: PC Mac Unix Xbox360 Wii IPhone ... (i know that now some of you think"hey why not to use this one") the reason is three digits long: 300$ per license. And the licenses for the Console isn't included.
So still dont have something crossplatform + free + flexible + perhaps adventure orientated.
i read through some tuts of the Engine "Alice" and its quite a good engine but not for our purposes. So if we dont consider the cross platform thing as so important we could stick to wintermute. that doesnt mean that wintermute is the woprst cross platform engine to work with.
So to cut it short: If someone has a better idea for an engine (of course programming our own one would be the best way but remember that this would be a lot of work!) please post it. it think that in the next week, i will take a closer look at wintermute and try to find out if its really "made for toonstruck" as someone already said
I wouldn't recommend Wintermute, it's too limiting for our purpose imho.
I really don't want to push you into the abyss of programming our own engine, but it would be just perfect for our needs.
Some years ago I saw a nice little open-source 2D Adventure Engine, with all the Multilayer and Alphamapping support that would be useful for us. I think it was on ZFX or Developia, but I can't find it atm With some luck they finished it, and it's ready to download
Imho the programmers should determine how much time they want to spend on programming, because they have to bear the consequences of the decision made in this thread
Wintermute may be a good idea - at least it's open source (even though you gotta request the source to get it.. I don't understand, why they don't just have it for download). Of course it sucks that it's windows only, but maybe it's feasible to port it to Linux/OSX (at least the engine - the tools may be harder to port, but who knows). You should evaluate the portability when you test wintermute.
Another possible engine: Broken Sword 2.5 had its own engine that was donated to ScummVM, that means support for that engine in ScummVM is under development. So you could ask the Broken Sword 2.5 people if they let you use their engine and tools. Then you could easily support a plethora of platforms without having to develop or port an engine yourself :-)
you're welcome :-) actually I've never heard of this project (even though I once looked for point'n'click engines on sourceforge) until I saw it on happypenguin.org a few days ago.
Due to the fact, that SCUMM VM supports the Toon Engine, perhaps we can use this knowledge to get the original toon engine for our game. i already crawled through some of the code files for the engine and its a pain in the ass -.-... but if we get our hands on this one, including dapedros knowledge about the files, perhaps we made a big step on the path to TS 2
1. The original engine does not support high resolutions. This sucks - even if TS2 doesn't have to be state-of-the-art technically, it should at least support decent resolutions and not look so pixelated. It also doesn't support 32bit color as far as I know. 2. You'd need tools to create levels etc compatible to Toonstruck 1 - these tools don't exist yet (at least outside of Virgin Interactive/Burst, but these original tools are probably lost as well) 3. AFAIK Toonstruck uses Smacker or Bink videos for backgrounds, animations etc. Its a proprietary format, which is quite inconvenient. FFMPEG has a decoder for them (also used by ScummVM), but I don't think there's a free encoder for them. 4. ScummVM does not really support custom games. Especially the toon engine probably contains much hardcoded stuff specific to Toonstruck1. I don't even know whether the gameplay itself is scripted (like in the SCUMM engine games like Monkey Island) or hardcoded in the C++ Code...
IMHO, if you want to make progress with the game itself, use a freely available engine that officially supports custom games, like OpenSludge or AGS or whatever (I'd prefer opensludge because it's Open Source and has proper Linux support).
Creating your own engine or creating tools for the original Toonstruck engine (and hacking the ScummVM port to support TS2) would probably take years. This time is better spent with creating the game itself.
i think you misunderstood the case here. the scummvm uses engines to support various games. scumm vm itself is just the overall envelope for these engines. i dont want to use is 1:1 i just want to take it as a guideline to create our own engine. i dont want to use already existing engines because most of them are not crossplatform or not "open source enough" to give us the freedom we need. Of course i already crawled the internet for hours and spent really much time in evaluating many engines, tools, and sdks but we would have to make limitations with every engine we would use. i will try to crawl through the toon engine source and see what i can achieve. i will have some free time by next week because then my exams are over .
I know how ScummVM works. But "perhaps we can use this knowledge to get the original toon engine for our game" sounds like you want to use the original Toon Engine (which is crap) for TS2.
OpenSludge is totally cross-platform (even the editing tools work on Windows, Linux and OSX) and also Open Source, so you could modify it to your needs.
In my free time i will have a look at OpenSludge. The use of the original engine would really be insane, but i think we should stick to the 16 bit colors. i mean we shouldn't change the style of the game. Of course i want to support High resolutions but i dont think it is necessarry to improve the "quality" of the backgrounds etc. because that would destroy the good old toonstruck style.