The Original Toonstruck was to be played on a 15" CRT monitor or something like that. Today 20" LCD monitors are quite common, so you need higher quality backgrounds etc to achieve the same (relatively low) amount of visible pixelation. (Furthermore resolutions lower than the default resolution usually look crappy on LCD monitors, while CRT monitors supported lower resolutions natively.)
And using 24/32bit color instead of 16bit shouldn't destroy the style of the game - but it probably makes creating art easier for the artists.
IMHO what mainly defines the style of the game is its cartoonish look, not the low resolution or low color depth.
hm i dont want to agreee but i dont want to decline this. so perhaps we need to see the real differences between the color settings, resolutions etc. for this moment right now i will accept your opinion and will try to use an engine with high res / high color settings support .
Zitat von unterbuchsehm i dont want to agreee but i dont want to decline this. so perhaps we need to see the real differences between the color settings, resolutions etc. for this moment right now i will accept your opinion and will try to use an engine with high res / high color settings support .
A bigger color-space shouldn't change the style at all, as the colors of the smaller color spaces are part of the bigger ones, isn't it?
It just has the advantage of smoother color-gradients and things like that.
And if we used vector graphics, it will even look awesome in 20 years, when people sit in front of their 120" Screens with 16K Res xD
if you want to battle: BRING IT ON XD.... no i think that the designers need to furfill our needs regarding the style of the game. as a programmer we should only focus on the possibilities our designer will have
After some days of crawling through Open Sludge i have to get my angers out of my head: this shit is a god damn crappy programmed mess of code. I cant even get it to compile correctly. The dependancies are a pain in the ass -.-... i will retry it *promise* but for now i just want to eat up my HDD
well it's kind of a creativity platform xD i can't tell much about it. with all feateres that we planned it should realy get some attention on the net xD