What do you think about a Paypal-Account to get money, which we could use to advertise our project, buy specific programs which we need and to make it possible for example - to buy an extra domain for the toonstruck-wiki.
I don't see such nesessity for now, but it can be done later: if we want a Toonstruck-quality game, it may require some investments. I offer Kickstarter as a possible variant.
I think this is a definately NO because its a fan game and this would seem like we try to get money... I think we can do it without any money. to make it clear: i think we NEED to get it done without any money.
If we did that, we would need someone to manage that. I think for now, we have an awful lot of other things to do as there is a plot to be finished before anybody can do anything else In my opinion we should first finish that and then concentrate on the hardcore advertising and money collecting and whatever you hav in mind But actually my opinion doesn't really matter, as unterbuchse has the last word in this project
to make that clear: If we have money, who is allowed to use it? who hase the right to get money to buy programs? we will get into many trouble if we do these kind of things.
the T-Shirt thingy was in my mind too when I started the projecct but the thing is: we don'T have the copyright for the Toonstruck logo, so we are allowed to print t shirts with it (for ourselves) but not to sell them