How 'bout my webspace? (maximum 500 mbytes for all files) the files must be uploaded with the wordpress-interface...
I would prefer if you don't abuse the Account Information provided to you. Only if this conidition will be granted, i will provide this webspace for free. If there will be any circumstances relying to any abuse, the service will be chanceled.
In an ideal world where the Toonstruck 2 project had millions in cash and our own awesome server, we could upload files with an FTP interface like Filezilla without a care in the world. Sadly, that's not the case .
Joking aside, it would be good if we all had ONE, well organised, space to upload and host all the Toonstruck 2 related files. Is there any good FREE way to do this?
for small and important files you can use my space (800K limit until I finish the anti-spam script) I just added a very very basic upload interface. For the URL send me a PM (I won't post it here)
It provides a common filebase, but also source control. Managing art without is one thing, but it's quite indispensable when you are working on a project with multiple programmers.
SVN is not a good solution for code hosting. I don't have a const internet connection, in university for example, so using a distributed revision control, like git or hg, is prefered.