Interests / Talents: Game design (currently working on one game that should be commercially released later this year), medical science (basic but I find it fascinating!) writing and art
How did you hear from the Forum?: I was looking up one of the voice actors of the original Toonstruck and heard about this site, so decided to check it out!
Why are you interested in this project?: Toonstruck was one of my favourite games and still is. I love the humour, the toon graphics (and Flux!)
What can you do for our project?:
I'm a trained actress and can do the following accents: RP Posh/snobby English (as OTT as you like; this is my favourite to do!) Cockney (real Cockney, not the crud you hear on some low-budget US kids' shows; I'm from Surrey and lived with a Cockney guy for 5 years ) Irish Liverpudlian
I also do a lot of writing (currently working for Spectacular Speculations, a sci-fi/fantasy magazine) and would love to get involved with story and dialogue. If you want a sample of my work, you can check out:
YAY! ANOTHER NICE PERSON! :O Dammit i had an audition for my fair lady and failed at cockney. Shame you didn't join before, i could've used some lessons xD.