<p>When <a href="https://www.crushersgrinder.com/">Construction Waste Crusher</a> is working normally, many operators may neglect the phenomenon that the upside of cone crusher is vibrating. Besides, they are prone to think that the cone crusher is certain to vibrate during the operation process and thus the upside vibration should belong to a kind of normal phenomenon. However, this thought is totally wrong.</p>
<p>The upside of cone crusher vibrating is in fact not a normal occasion. We must make a careful analysis and take proper measures to eliminate it in time. But at the time of carrying out the eliminating measures, we must not compress the spring, because improperly compressing the spring not only cannot make it back to normal, but also may cause new damages to the spare parts, mainly because compressing the spring will lead to the crushing force increasing.</p> The main causes resulting in the upside of cone crusher vibrating are as following:<p>1. Uneven feeding or feeding too much;</p> <p>2. The feeding ores contain large amounts of small pieces, powdery minerals or the humidity is too high;</p> <p>3. The gap of the ore discharging mouth is too small.</p> <p>In the case of cone crusher functioning well, once the upside appears vibration, we must carefully check and analyze and seek to find out the direct causes of it, and consequently take appropriate measures to deal with it.</p>