OSLO Comprar Nike Air Max 98 Supreme , June 2 (Xinhua) -- The number of registered unemployedNorwegians went down in May, online newspaper E24 reportedFriday.
Last month there were 70,900 people registered as fullyunemployed at the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV)-- 1,900 fewer than before Comprar Nike Air Max 98 QS , E24 wrote.
The proportion of unemployed is now 2.6 percent of theworkforce, compared with 2.9 percent in May last year, a reportfrom NAV said.
"There is a clear improvement in the Norwegian labor market.This is in line with other figures we have," Erik Bruce Comprar Nike Air Max 98 Gym Red , chiefanalyst at Nordea financial group, told E24.
He pointed out that the national accounts showed risingemployment.
Since the beginning of the year, unemployment has fallen byabout 1,000 people on average per month.
"It tells us that the oil crisis is at its end. The way itlooks, the unemployment flattens out in oil-countries and then itcontinues to fall in the rest of the country," he said Comprar Nike Air Max 98 Tour Yellow , adding thatit was difficult to say whether this was due to the strongereconomy or weaker job offers.
"NAV figures continue to show an improvement in the labormarket, indicating that capacity utilization is increasing," saidJeanette Strom Fjaere, economist at DNB Markets investmentbank.
"The labor market trend has been positive over the past sixmonths and in May we had a significant decline in the number ofunemployed. More job vacancies and fewer notifications ofterminations and layoffs make us expect further decline ofunemployment," Vageng said in a press release.
"At the same time, the number of long-term unemployed increasedand unemployment has increased among those who have been jobseekers for more than one year and most among them who have beenjob seekers for between one-and-a-half and two years," according tothe NAV report.
"In May, 21 www.airmax98gundam.es ,500 of the unemployed had been unemployed for over ayear. Long-term unemployment has especially increased in thecounties that have been hit by the decline in the oil industry," itsaid.