But you’re probably confused. Why? Because all the endless marketing has tried to sell you everything under the sun. From magic pills to arm fat supersonic blasters, you’ve probably seen and heard it all.
Luckily for you, I’ve already sifted through all the nonsense and I know what works. And I want to show you what I’ve learned.
Thus, here are some nutrition tips for arm fat loss:
1. Have some saturated fat: We’ve been led to believe that saturated fat is bad for us. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is that not all saturated fat is created equal. Plant saturated fat is actually very good for you and will help increase testosterone-an arm fat burning hormone.
2. Drink small portions throughout the day: You have to drink small amounts of water during the day, not just with meals. They have to be small amounts because too much at once goes straight to the kidneys. And make sure you have some in between meals because that’s when your body becomes dehydrated as a result of digestion.
3. Take some caffeine before working out: This will allow you to workout with increased intensity which will crank up your metabolism for DAYS after. The key here is to not take so much that you can’t sleep at night, that would defeat the purpose.
4. Take in as much cinnamon as possible: But NOT all cinnamon is created equal. Stick to Ceylon cinnamon, also known as true cinnamon. This type has the highest antioxidant potential, the lowest toxicity levels and the most insulin effects. Try to have cinnamon with your biggest meals.
5. Reduce the size of your eating implements: Your body uses a lot of cues for feeling full. And one such cue is visual input. Thus, if you eat with smaller plates, bowls and utensils, you can trick your visual system into feeling fuller sooner. Also keep this visual effect in mind when you go out to eat.
6. Eat slowly: Now this isn’t for etiquette purposes. Instead, eating slowly gives your body time to let the wide range of feel full hormones kick in. If you eat a lot very quickly, your body will not have enough time to gauge how many calories you have eaten.
7. Spice up your diet: And make sure you use hot spices. You see, hot spices and foods also help you feel full. The key here is to being incorporating them piecemeal into your diet. If you go all out too soon, you will end up disliking them.
8. Be smart with fiber: Although you should include fiber in as many meals as possible, one meal is far more important than others-breakfast. If you have more fiber earlier in the day, you are less likely to binge later in the day.
The most important element here is to take ACTION on this advice. Most women read something and NEVER take action. Information is only as useful as the amount of action you place on it. So if you want to finally get rid of that arm fat, include these tips and tricks in your daily routine!
Writer Semuelo Bunke, a training physiologist and former flabby arms victim, teaches how to get toned arms efficiently. Discover ways to get skinny arms by visiting her weblog with information on how to lose arm fat quickly right now!
OSA is the most common kind of apnea. It is a disorder characterized by repeated pauses in air flow during breathing when the person is asleep. The pauses occur because of narrowing, floppiness or blockage of the airway by highly bulky, distorted or lax pharyngeal tissues. This disorder can result in insufficient supply of oxygen to essential organs, chronic tiredness and more serious consequences. Read on to know what the symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) are.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea – The Symptoms
If someone you know shows the following symptoms, it could be that heshe has OSA.
In Adults
• Hypersomnia or excessive sleepiness during the day – The person may fall asleep while sitting in a car, watching TV, reading, working, lying down or just sitting. However, these brief periods of sleep do not do much to solve his general feeling of sleepiness. • Snoring – The person would snore heavily as soon as he has fallen asleep. However, there would be episodes of silence in between the loud snoring. • Breathing cessation when asleep • Morning headaches • Forgetfulness • Depression, irritability, grumpiness or impatience • Swelling in the legs (in case of severe OSA) • Felling of sourness or dryness in the mouth at night-time • Chest pain or sweating when sleeping • Heartburn at night • Episodes of gasping or choking at night • Tossing and turning when asleep • No knowledge of the apnea episodes on awaking
In Children
• Total sleep time is longer than normal for his age • Irritability • Inattention or hyperactivity for no obvious reason • Bedwetting • Excessive night sweating • Morning headaches • Restlessness in bed • Waking up often • Ribcage associated inward movement when breathing in • Takes a lot of effort to breathe – heaving chest, flaring nostrils • Snoring • Drooling or choking • Mouth breathing • Sleepiness or lethargy in the classroom • Is not growing or putting on weight as fast as he should for his age