I love Art Text 2, it's really great at creating good artwork, but since I first installed this program it has had buggy quirks and regular crashes, but in the main I've been able to create and save artwork. However, having had the program for about 2 months now it has only got worse with crashes every 2-3 minutes and now, in the last day or two, I can no longer export anything. This means I can't save files and right now some clients of mine have not got their artwork thanks to this program. Other notable issues include: Most blend mode changes cause the image to quadruple in size and become unclickable having extended beyond the file canvas. Using a glow instead of a shadow has the same effect, the glow element is massively misaligned and simply cannot be fixed, or used. Regular freezes. Program does not quit, you need to Force Quit it almost every time. I have deleted the program and reinstalled it but it hasn't changed anything. This is the only program I have ever had these issues with. Could you please help? Would you like a log file? And does anyone else have experiences like this? I am running Lion 10.7.5 on a 2012 Retina Macbook Pro.
Any help will be apprecited.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.