Is there a magic pill for athletes that will make them the best? Many search for this magic pill and many offer these magic pills. But the outcome is always the same; there is no magic pill. Everybody knows it but still we all fall into the same trap over and over again. Only by hard work one will reach the top. Reaching the top is just one part , but staying on top is really hard. How can one reach the top and stay on the top? Several factors will determine this like talent, good nutrition, focus, concentration and another factor that some call luck. Here we will be focussing on sports nutrition.
What is the best nutrition for any athlete? That's hard to say. Different sports and different individual athletes call for an individual approach. Each type of sport has it own physical requirements. Endurance versus sprint, those are very different. Just by looking at the athlete's you can tell what nutrition's these athletes need.
What is the best sports nutrition for an athlete? There is no definitive answer to this. No athlete has the same need. It all depends on the physique of an athlete and the kind of sports that he or she is into.
Let's focus on endurance for now.
Endurance sports test the physical and mental strength of an athlete. If the distance is longer the test will be harder. The marathon runner will suffer during a match. He may face physical pain , in knees, ankles, back pain, and shoulders. During the match he will suffer mentally when he wants to run harder but his body isn't able to.
When we look at the match the athlete needs to mould his body for the big day. Of course a lot of training is required, but we will stick to nutrition.
Before the match a good solid meal is important. The pre-competition meal should consist of 23 of carbohydrates , 13 of high quality proteins and some natural fats. Good carbohydrates are pasta's, but don't overlook whole-wheat bread, potatoes, rice, cereals , fruits and beans. High quality proteins are lean meat like chicken, turkey, beef, pork, but you can also eat soybeans , eggs, nuts and drink milk. When eating meats don't prepare them with saturated (from animal products, such as dairy and meat) or 'trans' fat (from hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils in many packaged products). You will find these terms on the package labels. A high quality meal should be something like pasta with fresh tomato sauce prepared with olive oil accompanied by a