The core idea is to allow a company or corporation to represent in quantified metrics the value they have created over a period of time. The current standard for such reportage is the GRI or Global Reporting Initiative.
Sustainability Reporting was a framework developed in the hope of questioning a corporation for quantifiable answers to hurting issues such as the carbon emissions that far exceed its budget. Despite commitment to Sustainable Environment several companies are unable to gain control on the quantity of carbon emission they cause and related issues.
Sustainable Environment creation is now an initiative that most of the Indian corporates are committed and are scaling their initiatives as per international guidelines.
Sustainability Reporting also allows answers to be found (in measurable metrics) to pressing questions such as - over use of natural water supplies by a factory; or the reasons for collapse of native supply-chain of a retailer or supermarket chain in its environment.
Sustainability Reporting as a Catalyst
To companies involved in long-term Sustainable Environment, good governance and socio-economic initiatives, Sustainability Reporting has emerged as a ‘powerful indicator.’ Where the factors man-nature conflicts, rapid urbanization work at cross-purposes to Sustainable Environment , organizations find they can play discerning and responsible roles. At the same time