Do you have an exercise plan? Do you own any exercise equipment? Perhaps a treadmill , an exercise bike, or any of the gazillion exercise machines advertised on infomercials over the last 10 or 20 years? I think we've all been sold at one time or another on something to make exercising easier? or so we thought. And that's good! Having the desire to look better, feel better and implementing a good exercise plan can help us to reach those goals and also help us to keep our weight under control. And those are just a few of the benefits of exercise. When we perform an exercise routine regularly we begin to not only look and feel better... we even sleep better. When you get right down to it I think we all know that a good exercise plan is part of a healthy lifestyle. I often hear people ask ?What is the best exercise?? And the answer to that question is the one you like the most. Why? Because that?s the one your more likely to do! For many people, just one exercise would not be enough because although we all want to be in good shape and the proper weight, we all have different