Last week, we mentioned in the news that Blizzard is calling on players to stay indoors more, it added a 100% experience bonus buff in World of Warcraft through April 20, Winds of Wisdom, which makes the time to reach the maximum level of 120 in WOW halve for all, that is, you only need to spend less time leveling up and participating the adventure against N'Zoth and his minions.
With a level 120 character, the players will receive the corresponding mission based on their respective factions, the Wolf's Offensive is for Alliance, while the War Chief's Order is for Horde, who are sent to Nazjatar and set up a portal to Dazar'alor(Horde) or Boralus(Alliance) after building the base.
The next step is to prepare for the upcoming combats, coming to the Chamber of Heart and open the Heart Forge to infuse Essences into the Heart of Azeroth following the instructions of Speaker Magni Bronzebeard.
Unlocking Essences is the major task, every time one player gets an essence, it can be applied or swapped out through a new Heart of Azeroth interface, and added into the collection.
When the Heart of Azeroth is among level 1-54, it must be infused with the Crucible of Flame, and as the level increases, there is a new quest to complete for players to get the Chamber of Heart.
These quests are not easy, as you will encounter N'Zoth and its vicious minions, be careful to defeat them, and get the legendary cloak bonus, which can be worked with Wrathion to open the game of Horrific Visions full of challenges.
If your character level is not enough to level 120, there are some unique ways for you to level up quickly, such as completing more quests in hard zones, purchasing advanced equipment with WOW Gold, etc, to join in the latest content in Battle for Azeroth.
Blizzard's approach this time has attracted a large number of players for WOW, but it seems that it has not done anything for WOW Classic, for such a fast-paced game, the experience boost buff may not be appropriate. In order to make your game easier, provides a marketplace to make trading more convenient during WOW, and relieve your stress while playing.