mac folder question mark : In the event that you are seeing the envelope with a ? at that point it most likely implies that your Mac can't discover the beginning up circle consequently incapable to boot your Mac OS. There are three potential foundations for this. a) The framework documents expected to fire up and boot are degenerate. b) Hard plate drive has fizzled. c) A link interfacing the drive to the mother board has fizzled. In the event that the plate drive has fizzled, at that point you will require an excursion to the Genius Bar. To book meetings with Genius Bar online visit mac flashing question mark folder In any case, before choosing to go with the Genius Bar we have recorded a few techniques that may get you back if the issue isn't the plate disappointment. In the event that the circle has fizzled, at that point the main alternative is supplant the plate and recuperate your information to the new plate from the time-container or any back up gadget you may have been utilizing. On the off chance that you were not backing up, at that point it might be conceivable to get the information recouped by finding a recuperation organization which can be googled.