Let your child finish an ordinary dinner meal consisting LumaSlim Review of well balance protein, carb and vegetable. Use the, "would it make me feel full rule" by eating the same amount of food and if you feel full you know you have the right meal.Ask you child or teen if he is full or hungry right after eating by holding up 3 fingers. Ask him to to pick, 3 fingers= full, 2 fingers = half full, 1 finger = hungry. If they indicate hungry or half hungry then you need to repeat on another day. If the child indicates "full." then proceed to step 3.
If he says he is full then then wait a few minutes minute and offer some more food. If the child or teen at that point will go and eat another full portion than he is eating in the absence of hunger. EAH is very early and sensitive indicator of possible eating dysfunction in children and teens. It's ideal use is when you suspect overeating in elementary school age children.
Factors Influencing Successful Weight Loss in Children and Teens: The most extensive report on the factors influencing success in children and teen weight loss programs comes from a 2006 report by Dr. Eric Stice from the University of Texas. They examined 64 children's weight loss programs from all over the world. Here is what they found: