Tingling and numbness sensation in hands and feet is a top Diabetes Freedom Review warning symptom of high glucose. This sounds ridiculous but this sensation is more like feeling of heart beat in hands or feet. The teeth of the diabetic person remain sticky in spite of thorough cleaning and proper brushing. The reason behind this is excessive circulation of sugar in blood that is then poured in the mouth along with saliva.
The diabetic may feel a tingling sensation around the eyelids. This again is directly linked with excessive level of increased blood sugar flowing in the system. This increased level of glucose is finding their way everywhere. The next alarming symptom of high blood sugar is slow and poor healing of infection and wounds. The density of the blood of the diabetic person increases; so the smaller capillaries that are closer to the surface of the skin find it difficult to receive fresh blood. The result is that healing of the skin is hampered. Small wounds and cuts at the feet of the diabetics take a longer healing time. In severe case it may even lead to amputation and gangrene.
Another classic symptom of high glucose levels is unquenchable thirst. This is an obvious and a notable symptom of all others. This is not simply a requirement of an extra one or two glasses of water like a normal person feels on a hot day. Rather this is an exaggerated version of this. Diabetics feel a nonstop urge of liquids throughout the day and night that do not have any bounds.