due extreme performance problems my weblog is now hosted on a v-server and the toonblog will be hosted too there. Also the Toonstruck-Wiki will be on the server next time.
Why i write this done here: I'll create a FTP-Account for our Toonstruck-Team with 2 gbyte space and the blog will be not available the next days.
Now all sites of the blog (for example http://toonstruck2.com/media/) are available with exception of the home-page. I don't know why, but if i solved the problem, I'll update the post.
[quote="neomix21":3[album]4[/album][album]1[/album]8]Has there been some kind of update ?
Any threads about it on Wordpress boards ?[/quote:3[album]4[/album][album]1[/album]8]
No, but it seems to be a problem with the virtual server and the old wordpress-blogs. I hate it if I don't know why something don't works correctly -.-
Then I think I know the problem Different PHP versions, I already experienced that with my own scripts that i coded myself. I had to rewrite the most critical parts of it because they didn't work anymore with the new server (which used a different version of PHP).
Zitat von neomix21Then I think I know the problem Different PHP versions, I already experienced that with my own scripts that i coded myself. I had to rewrite the most critical parts of it because they didn't work anymore with the new server (which used a different version of PHP).
Hmm.. then I think I update the server and try it again ;D
Zitat von neomix21Then I think I know the problem Different PHP versions, I already experienced that with my own scripts that i coded myself. I had to rewrite the most critical parts of it because they didn't work anymore with the new server (which used a different version of PHP).
Hmm.. then I think I update the server and try it again ;D
You talked about "old wordpress blogs". Why not update them first xD
Zitat von neomix21Then I think I know the problem Different PHP versions, I already experienced that with my own scripts that i coded myself. I had to rewrite the most critical parts of it because they didn't work anymore with the new server (which used a different version of PHP).
Hmm.. then I think I update the server and try it again ;D
You talked about "old wordpress blogs". Why not update them first xD
The version of the blogs are actual but they are hosted since one year ago, so I think the php-version is older than the actual installed on the server. It's very confusing.. I really don't know what to do ;D so I update the server to the newest version to look what happens ;D