yeah looks good but what is the thing in the right bottom corner under his tail ??? ^^
my signature
New Version with improved head Ignore the green thingy, its only a reference line Update:Improved Tail/HandColored:I already like this one, tell me what to improve next
very nice, but there schould be glasses and pupils EDIT: ok, I saw that the Prof. not always wear glasses, but he needs pupils.
I prefer the glasses. I think Neomix has this one down. I admit defeat! xD
Zitat von WACMEI prefer the glasses. I think Neomix has this one down. I admit defeat! xD
This is a project, not a contest
Nothing wrong with a little friendly competition... ;D
As long as I don't wake up infected with mutagen ink
I think we should finish the logo and put it up on the site (probably in the "Team" section).
I'm really busy atm, but i will finish it soon
I'm still working on it, improving it bit by bit [imgres][/imgres]Constructive Comments Please.
oh my god! i mean if you take a look at the pictures of the previous versions i would never think that it would get this good. GREAT WORK
Thank you Today I fixed a whole army of mistakes I made in the previous versions,added missing details and tried to do the shadowing like in the original.It was a lot of work, but I loved every minute of it
Really nice. <3333