hello folks, i saw that the last post of the gang members of the teddybears is some time ago, so i just drew sketches of the teddybear gang, i want to show you 2 of these, i think they go in the right direction, i hope so^^ the first one should be the little angry one and the second bear should be big strong and dumb, or something like that xD
yeah i know^^ xD my first sketches were tooo curvy, and then i tried to draw it more edgily, ok maybe ive overdone that xD hmm maybe they are bear o bots xDDD i try to fix that^^
thx, but its hard to get the toonstruck style^^ im always thinking about what they should wear , and maybe they shoould look more evil or should they look more cute, dont know i think everbody here in the forum has different suggestions^^ ill carry on in the meantime with drawing sketches, my vision of the gang looks like this: the gang leader which is tiny and choleric, then a big strong dumb one, then maybe one little to who doesnt fit the jacket cause he is too little, and maybe a bigger thin one.... hard to tell, what do you think about it???