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I just have a question: What verison of Toonstruck do you have? Ok to define it: does anybody of you have this booklet which came in the big box version of toonstruck? i found it on ebay and was just like "No way". But it was too expensive.
I had the sold-out games opy. but they all got recalled because there was a glitch in the bakery which gave everyone a bsod. xD. now i have one which i "acquired" through the internet .
I have the jewel version, so it doesn't contain any booklets or other features By the way, in that booklet Drew wears something blue, which is different from his usual outfit.
Unterbuchse, probably you should start a similar topic in some game forums (especially the German ones)? The chances that someone owns this book will be considerably higher.
I had it with booklet and the big box but i dont know where it is. I try to search for it when i have time. It was the german version. sry for my bad english^^