That’s right. The look of ugg Australia boots has been on the fashion scene before. In fact Cory Littleton Rams Jersey , these sheep skinned boots were around even before the seventies. World War II fighter pilots wore a similar style of boot while in combat. And before that, Australians tied sheep skin scraps around their feet while working outdoors because the sheep skin kept their feet warm. It’s even said that the name, ugg, is short for the word Robert Woods Rams Jersey , ugly. Believe it or not, people who wore these boots in previous times thought that the style of the boot, while practical, was plain old ugly.
A Christian's life should be one of growth. The salvation freely given by Jesus is just the beginning. Like a new born baby the new born Christian must feed on the milk of the word. As they grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ they need to begin to feed on the meat of the word. This will lead them to understand something is required of them. They are called to good works.
A child can not be expected to do the work of an adult. They are not capable because they have not grown physically. An immature Christian can and will not be able to do the good works God wants them to do because they have not grown spiritually.
Therefore it is imperative for the Christian to grow.
God did not leave us to our own devices to grow. He empowers us with his indwelling Holy Spirit. He has given us the written word of the incarnate Word. He even outlines a growth pattern for us to follow.
In II Peter chapter one we are told to recognize God has given us ?all things that pertain unto life and godliness Jared Goff Rams Jersey , through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue?. That he has given us great and precious promises that enable us to be partakers of the divine nature, since we are no longer bound by the dominion of sin.
Understanding this we are instructed to grow. ?Giving all diligence add to your faith virtue (moral correctness). Notice it takes diligence or faithful striving to go to the next level. We are to do what is necessary to attain that goal and go on to the next one, giving all diligence from precept to precept.
The next step is from virtue to knowledge. We must know what God's word Tim. 3:16. Add to knowledge temperance or self control. Paul said he fought to keep his body under control. We can not give in to the lust of the flesh and grow to maturity. Once we have self control we add patience. This is the ability to trust in God to meet your needs, waiting on his time table and not ours.
Continuing to build we add godliness Cooper Kupp Rams Jersey , having the attitudes and attributes of God. We have gained the knowledge about God from his word. We have died to self and are waiting on God to lead us onward.
Brotherly kindness is the next attribute, having a love for brothers and sisters in Christ. We should be concerned about their welfare, spiritual, physical Gerald Everett Rams Jersey , and financial. There should be a desire to spend time with them for we are to spend eternity together.