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Concordia University is the Wisconsin nonprofit organization with the strongest 3D printing capabilities Medical masks are also very popular. It quickly took action to fill the gap in the production of one of the medical supplies necessary for professionals to fight the new coronavirus. COVID-19 has caused a shortage of N95 heavy-duty masks worldwide self-isolation for 14 days, and medical staff use N95 heavy-duty masks to avoid pollution. While manufacturers around the world are struggling to find innovative ways to maximize production support Battle in this important work, Concordia and regional partners are doing their part to serve their home communities surgical masks within 24 hours. Concordia relied on the direct input of medical professionals in the frontline area and worked with UWM's Prototype Center to determine an ideal printing mask prototype for the n95 model. Their research results have not been certified by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) because their concerns are so serious that they have no time to study them the N95 respirator looks the same. However, this is exactly what the doctor ordered purchase PPE products from China. "We heard from the medical community that they need masks and they need them now," said Dr. Dan Sem, Dean of the Batterman School of Business at Concordia. "Our goal is to produce and deliver these N95 prototypes as soon as possible to ensure that medical professionals use them as safely as possible the difference is in its depth and breadth. Internal experts in health care institutions are aware of the limitations of certification and are conducting their own evaluations, but they now need masks. " Although the average university has up to several 3D printers, Concordia ’s new Makerspace laboratory has 30 machines. Everyone is currently busy printing prototypes all day. Within 24 hours, Concordia's Makerspace can print more than 70 masks in one designsurgical masks generally do not require FDA approval.