LONDON Dorance Armstrong Jr. Womens Jersey , Sept. 17 (Xinhua) -- The current state of Londoners' health is lagging behind residents in other major cities, a London health organization said Wednesday, citing a new report it would released in October.
The London Health Commission on Wednesday said they would publish a Global Comparison study, which undertook a global comparison of 10 top world cities in terms of health, including Sydney, Toronto, Paris, Tokyo, New York, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Madrid and Sao Paolo.
The study revealed that children and adults living in London are facing relatively severe obesity problems compared with other major cities. The British capital has a higher rate of childhood obesity than anywhere else in the country, 22.4 percent for six-year children in London compared with 18.9 percent in England as a whole.
It said that London children leave primary school with more than a third overweight or obese, making it the highest rate of any major city in the world.
Meanwhile, the population of people smoke in London is relatively high, as 18 percent of citizens smoke, while in the healthiest city Hong Kong, only 13 percent people smoke.
London is also ranked in the middle in terms of suicide rate, according to the study.
Hong Kong leads the way in health outcomes for its population with the longest life expectancy and lowest infant mortality rate, it indicated.
"The Commission's research raises critical questions about obesity in London. We have already introduced a number of initiatives aimed at tackling obesity, promoting healthy eating and getting more active, including programmes to boost cycling and walking and our Healthy Schools London scheme," Mayor of London Boris Johnson commented.
Lord Ara Darzi, independent chair of the London Health Commission told Xinhua that the organization is also concerned about people's mental health, heart diseases, strokes and many other aspects of health in London, and the full study would be released on Oct. 16.
He said that the obesity problem in London cannot be ignored, and London needs to learn from those cities with better experiences in tackling children's obesity problems.
Darzi called for efforts to help citizens choose healthier lifestyles while also providing them with the health, support and services they need.
Mayor Johnson said he would also look forward to receiving Lord Darzi's recommendations of some measures to cope with the current healthy problems in London in October.
Service personnel's and tattoos seem to be miles apart but the military tattoo that is sported by service personnel is probably one that is acceptable. The soldier tattoo is not worn just for the fun of it but they have a story to tell. It talks about their hardships, war, freedom and a lot more.
Some soldiers get the tattoos at a very young age just before going to war. Many emotions pass through their minds at this time, as it is probably their first time away from home. The tattooing process changes them from being boys to men. They even get the feel of belonging to a family as all their colleagues are also inked and they all go through the same experience.
Women form a large part of the military today and also play an equal part in being part of the community with their military tattoo. They too get the tattoos made and for the same reason as the boys.
Tattoos are almost a part of military culture and you can always find a tattoo studio near a military base. Some of them are small centers of big studios operating in the cities. Their functioning may also be dependent upon the time the soldiers get their pay packet as they have the money to get a soldier tattoo made.
The "Lady Luck" tattoo became so popular and the popularity grew during World War II. She was always smiling and absolutely beautiful and usually had other auspicious symbols for company. It may be that of a horseshoe, rabbits' feet or any such thing. Most men would prefer this to other tattoos due to the belief that this would be lucky for them.
The evil twin of this lucky tattoo is the "Men's Ruin". This is also the picture of a lady but instead of affection this is supposed to bring along with it all the troubles possible. This is pictured along with pictures of playing cards, drugs, dice to name a few. Variations of this were the picture of a hula girl, which depicts that the person has served at the Pacific Theatre. Such images could also be found on devices and gadgets used for war.
Most service personnel sport a military tattoo but none like the ones in the navy. A blue bird on the side of the chest represents having completed 5000 miles in the sea. The next 5000 would mean another one. The anchor is said to save the person in case of falling overboard.
Popular designs of soldier tattoo would include having a cross at the back, as they are likely to be spared the rod in case they got themselves into trouble as it would be disrespectful to hit the image.
There has been a huge increase in the popularity of military tattoo and soldier tattoo. With the 911 attack and the Gulf war a whole new generation has risen to show their solidarity towards their country. Whether during peace time or war both service men and women take pride in the tattoos that they wear.
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