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There is less than two weeks before the Rio Olympic Games kicks off on August 5, and it will be very much anticipated. It will be the first-ever Olympic Games in Latin America and will feature the debut of rugby sevens as well as mark the return of golf after a 112-year absence. But Brazil is also plagued by the Zika virus and beset by political and economic woes, while an entire nation's sporting program caught up in a doping scandal. While controversy and Olympic Games have usually gone hand in hand, this one is setting a new mark that makes issues with all previous Games seem quaint. There is a chance that the controversies will continue right up until the Games begins.
When Rio de Janeiro was awarded the 2016 Games in 2009, Brazil was flying high. Along with the 2014 World Cup, the Games was intended to signify a developing power ready to step up onto the world stage. Unfortunately, seven years down the line, things have not worked out this way. In the lead-up to the 2014 World Cup, nationwide protests against poverty and corruption surprised many. From then, the country's economy has worsened while its politics have gotten messy. Last month, Rio police went on strike over unpaid wages and warned of rampant crime. Meanwhile, despite Rio being famous for its beaches, Rio's waters were slammed by athletes and media for being heavily polluted.
On the sporting front, Russia has been dominating headlines after the revelation of a massive state-run doping program for its athletes. The IOC eventually decided on Sunday not to issue a blanket ban on Russian athletes, leaving it up to individual federations to decide. If Russian athletes are allowed to compete, they will be under heavy suspicion while if some sports ban them but -others -allow them, it creates a very -uneven situation.
Even the staid sport of golf found itself embroiled in drama as many of its top stars declined to participate in Rio, supposedly due to Zika. Yet, the vast majority of these players pulling out are male. It leads one to suspect that many of them just didn't care too much, which Rory McIlroy somewhat admitted to. It makes one wonder whether it is worth it for golf to be in the Games though this means there will be room for lesser-known golfers to shine.
Despite all this, the Games is still something to look forward to. For little countries like Trinidad and Tobago, where this writer is from, it is a chance to shine in the global spotlight, even if only for a brief moment. For the city and people of Rio, it is also the same and hopefully they will be able to overcome all these issues.
by Alessandra Cardone
ROME, Sept. 17 (Xinhua) -- Italy was poised to mourn prominent former president of the republic and central banker Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, who died on Friday at the age of 95.
A day of national mourning will be declared on Monday, with Italian and European flag at half-mast all across the country, the Italian government announced.
Private funerals will be held the same day in the Italian capital, according to Ansa news agency.
Ciampi died in a hospital in Rome after a long illness, Ansa also reported.
"Our grateful thoughts go out to the man who has served Italy with passion," Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said on Twitter.
Renzi would pay a visit to the burial chamber of the former head of state inside the senate late on Saturday, according to the cabinet.
Ciampi was president of Italy from 1999 to 2006, playing a crucial role in bringing the country into the European Union (EU) single currency system.
He had previously served as head of Italy's central bank between 1979 and 1993, as prime minister from 1993 to 1994, and as treasure and finance minister between 1996 and 1999.
Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni praised him as "an example of coherence, competence, and dignity."
The Central Bank of Italy, which Ciampi joined since after World War II, also highly commended his figure.
"Today, Italy and Europe have lost one of the protagonist of the European integration, a mission to which Ciampi has devoted his whole life," the Bank's board said in a statement.
Ciampi was highly respected at international level, and several top officials paid tribute to him.
"His death is a source of deep grief," current President Sergio Mattarella said.
"It is also thanks to men like Ciampi that Italy has gained, and deserved, a leading position at international level, from which our entire community is now benefitting," Mattarella said.