Zitat von ImarCabHey I made a rhythm with parts from toonstruck songs and from the internet, do you think it sounds like toonstruck? (its only the base).
This is my first song and it's difficult to find parts of other songs to put in a new song and don't seem a plagiarism. Also the song need some classic instrument's solo in order to sound like toonstruck music, which is even more difficult to get. But I will going trying things and finding solutions, else I can star another song with other rhythm too.
http://www.pdinfo.com/download.php - This website has music and sound effects all released in the public domain, so you can use this stuff without breaking any copyright laws, so long as you keep track of which artists you have used so we can feature them in the credits at the end of the game.
The world would be a much better place if we all used GNU public license and copy-left, rather than greedy corporate copyright laws .
Sorry, forget about the first part. You have to pay $5 per song... The second part still stands, copyright is crap. I'll look for some more free pages.
http://www.musopen.com - Here you go! Free, royalty-free classical music for download. You can get all the classical instrument sounds from here.
Try Reason 4 from Propellerhead, the best software you could possibly get It has a huge Range of awesome FX and Synths (I like the Graintable Synthisizer Malström most) But: NO VST support here But: Can be rewired with VST-Hosts
Ok, I trust you, I'm looking for some website where to download it but all them have too many direct download links. I will continue looking for it, thanks.
I correct, I have it yet. When I have some results I will show them.