The decision to buy a computer has become a really easy one to make in recent years. Computers have just about become a necessity to almost every household and most businesses in the world. Many businesses have already forsaken old storage methods of filing cabinets and big ledgers for their data in favour of space saving Nene Jersey , time saving digital storage.
The choice between Notebook computers and desktop computers must really depend upon your personal wants but mostly upon your needs. You as the buyer should have a check point list for what you might really need and what can be skipped as unimportant. The asking price, your need for mobility, your available physical space, the need for frequent hardware upgrades and whether the computer will be used for one’s personal use or public use.
If you are looking for a PC that would be available for you wherever you may go, then you should always pick a notebook or laptop computer . Business men, university professors, politicians, programmers, students and all sorts of folks often choose them for convenience. I chose a laptop for comfort, sitting at my desk top computer for hours every day wasn’t very comfortable so it’s nice to be able to sit back in an armchair with my Sony Vaio on my lap whilst I write. It’s also great to be able to take it with me on my travels and either work on it, be entertained or simply keep up with the rest of the world.
When buying computers for public use as in banks, education and enterprises, a desktop would almost always be better. Desktop computers are generally considered cheaper than notebook computers but you pay more for the convenience of portable computers. Another reason for going with desktop computers in this case is privacy issues, limiting the amount of computers attached to a network is a must. That’s why having a glued to its place desktop computer would be a good choice.
The space in your room and on your desk can be a factor. A notebook computer occupies a much smaller space as compared to desktop computers. You can tuck one away in a drawer out of sight and you can also take it wherever you go. It’s not unusual to see people using their laptops on trains and aeroplanes nowadays.
For desktop publishing or website design I prefer the desktop because you can use a bigger monitor and see your work more clearly. For playing games I would also choose a desktop computer but for writing or browsing a notebook or netbook computer are just right.
There you have it, the pros and cons of buying a desktop computer as opposed to a notebook computer. I found that as my needs changed it was better for my business computing and personal computing to own both types of computer, it makes life so much easier.
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By Yoo Seungki
SEOUL, Dec. 30 (Xinhua) -- The biggest South Korean business lobby, composed of conglomerates called chaebol here, is facing a risk of the break-up, or at least a full-scale reform, over its deep-rooted link with the presidential power that was revealed again through a scandal involving President Park Geun-hye.
Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong appeared at a parliamentary hearing on Dec. 6, the first to grill all involved in the scandal that led to the impeachment of President Park, together with the chiefs of other large corporations that are members of the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI).
The FKI is ostensibly a business community to speak for over 600 big companies, but it is now being suspected of acting as a channel to let Choi Soon-sil, Park's longtime confidante, pressure conglomerates into donating tens of millions of U.S. dollars to two nonprofit foundations controlled by Choi.
Stunning TV viewers of the hearing broadcast live, Lee said the country's No.1 family-run conglomerate will break away from the FKI and stop paying membership dues without elaborating on a specific date.
"Grandfather-initiated FKI is facing a fate of being broken up by the hands of his grandson. An old saying comes true that one who ties a knot eventually unties it," Park Ju-Geun, president of CEO Score, a business data provider, said in a Thursday interview with Xinhua.
Lee Byung-chull, the founder of Samsung Group, was the first chairman of the FKI that was set up in 1961, just a year after former military strongman Park Chung-hee, father of the impeached President Park, gained power in a coup.
It is a "historical irony," the CEO Score chief said, as the Samsung founder-launched lobby under the presidency of elder Park is on the verge of dissolution at the hands of the Samsung heir under the presidency of younger Park.
Samsung has yet to declare its abandonment of FKI membership, but LG Group, the country's No.4 conglomerate, left the lobby earlier this week. Following suit would be SK Group and CJ Group given that their heads indicated departure from it during the National Assembly hearing. SK is the third-largest business group.
The FKI's fate at risk disclosed cozy ties between the presidential power and the chaebol families again, which can be seen as commonplace in South Korea where a handful of big corporations headed the industrialization from a war-torn country to the Asia's rising economy by the help of military dictatorships.
In the early days of industrialization, the FKI was an easy channel to relay state-led development plans to a small number of businesses, which in turn made almost monopolistic profits with government funds, the only source of foreign currency capital at the time.