When I saw the promotional video of this forum on youtube for the second time i realize about it.
The video is the end of toonstruck, right?. So, the first time Drew appears in the toons world he has human appearance, but at the video he is transforming to toons appeareance while he's getting transported to the toons world.
I mean that the pictures we have of the suposed toonstruck 2 shows to us Drew in the toon world with human appeareance when he should be looking like a toon (like at the end of the mentioned video). Or means that something happened before that made him look like an human again.
I thing it's somethig to consider. If I used too many words tell me and i will resume for a better understanding.
sorry but i already posted that ^^ and we know this one. Look in the material section. In this thread you will see the screenshot of the dentist scene. there, Drew, IS a toon. so i think he should be a toon all over the game (because this would make the whole project easier)
Yes this has been discussed a lot lol. I don't mean to sound "naggy" and I'm a new(ish) member too, but please check other posts before making suggestions and things. We may have already discussed it . But you're making progress which i like
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