As you walk down the Lower School hallway toward the Early Childhood wing Authentic Kerryon Johnson Jersey , propelled by a rhythmic "Boom... Boom... Boom" and squeals of laughter, you gaze into the 2nd grade classroom... "What? This is unbelievable! The 2nd graders and Ms. McIver are all lying down?" You continue down the hall, shaking your head... "What has happened to Harrisburg Academy?" Quickly, you arrive at the Kindergarten classrooms, peer into Miss Ballard's window and... "What? They are all dancing around like... Minions... waving their hands above their heads!" Inconceivable!
No worries! Those Kindergarten students and 2nd graders are taking a "brain break". Studies have shown that short bursts of physical activity (3-5 minutes), throughout the academic day, allow children to focus, and concentrate on cognitive skills. Physical activities also encourage positive attitudes, positive academic behaviors, and positive academic achievements.
So, when you see my class lying down... join them! They are strengthening their physical core to combat the "Common Core"! If Miss Ballard's class is dancing to Despicable Me... throw open the door and yell, "I am having a bad, bad day..." to ensure you have a super, super day! Even better, join our classes when they meet together as Reading Buddies; the classroom bursts with energy, making it the best place for children to learn.
- A Blueprint for the Academy's Future:
In creating the model for our strategic planning, the administration made a few key decisions. First, we endeavored to engage our entire school community in the process. This approach allows all Academy community stakeholders, as well as friends of the Academy, to provide feedback. We also decided to shorten the strategic planning timeline from five years to just three. This allows the Academy to more quickly adapt and react to the rapidly changing educational world in which we function.
At the core of the strategic planning process is our Planning Committee, made up of trustees, parents, faculty, and administrators. This group attends each of the strategic planning meetings and engages in the many group conversations that generate a whole host of innovative ideas and suggestions.
Our first few strategic planning meetings have resulted in thought-provoking conversations and creative ideas. Each week the dynamics are different, as new parents and community members join the discussion. By using one broad question each week, the meetings become our own Academy "think tank," as multiple groups wrestle with the same question but come up with radically different feedback. The five guiding questions used in our strategic planning model are as follows:
How do we achieve the long term enrollment goals at the Academy? What internal improvements and partnerships with other organizations (including global ones) can be made to the academic, extracurricular, and co-curricular programs to provide an experience of excellence for our students? (April 24)
How does the Academy best demonstrate its value to parents, alumni, and the greater Harrisburg community? (April 30)
How does the Academy achieve the goals of our new Comprehensive Campaign and continue to build a culture of philanthropy? (May 15)
How does the Academy attract, cultivate, and retain its most talented faculty to achieve the mission of Harrisburg Academy and provide our students with the 21st century skills they need? (May 22)
Please join us for our two final conversations. Don't miss your chance to have your fingerprint on the blueprint for the Academy's future.
For more information, please visit our <"http:harrisburgacademy20140214break-dancin-the-new-fad">website. What Google Docs For Educators Professional Development Provides April 22, 2016 | Author: Barbara Moore | Posted in Education It was once upon a time where one would sit in front of the television and watch Back to the Future. People in those days would reminisce the feeling of what it would be like being able in the future. Experience futuristic things and everything becomes too simple and faster to do.
Everything then became futuristic as ever when things became more computerized. Just like Google docs for educators professional development as it has been helping out workers around the globe. With its virtual benefits, one now has new wide of materials that they can use in teaching.
Its a virtual support to workers in this profession where it gives safety net when one wants a certain document in assisting him or her in the class. Applied in the avenue, it will give not only the necessary information but also avenue where one can continuously learn. As the other advances that are happening as of today, here is a list in what it can provide to teachers.
There are contents in this avenue where categories are being introduced now only for the workers but for the advancement of the learners. The web is the hear of everyone where researches are done by millions of people everyday. In here, the engine constitutes a wide options for people to gain the necessary contents with important information.
The play is like the actual store where one can get and browse through the educational games. It has various amounts of categories in which a teacher can use while discussing their topics inside the classroom. It is with great advantage to use this one as children as of today are much into games and but this has lessons by the end of it.